
Arnica Contracting

Building Strong Results With Website Design and Development

We helped them construct a brand new website that showcases their professional work with a modern design and feel.

Rebrand + Strategy + Website + SEO Setup + Photography

Client Overview

Times change and so do company designs. We helped bring Arnica Contracting into the modern age with a branding and logo update and website refresh that immediately gives them a more professional up-to-date look. We also helped them build their social media following with captions and posts that best capture their brand.

Building On
Solid Foundations

Change happens online very quickly and having a website that looks outdated will do your business no favours with your audience. We updated Arnica’s website to have a modern, up-to-date look they could proudly show off to potential clients. We also refined their services page to make it clear what they were able to offer.

More Than Hammers and Nails

Good branding is important because it shows that your brand is able to keep up with the times and that you’re still staying on top of the world changing. We helped Arnica through this process by giving them a complete brand identity package for them to easily follow and work from so that they could stay consistent when working with their branded company media and improve their brand recognition and awareness.

Brick by Brick– How It’s All Built

While social media can absolutely be used for timely updates it can also be a highly visual and easy way to showcase a virtual portfolio of your work. We built a strategy and posting schedule for Arnica that showcased them on the job as well as finished projects to give better visibility into their work and what they do.

Meet the team

Project Manager: Bijoy Benhur
Graphic Design: Scott Watson
Web Development: Heather Treadgold
SEO: Patrick Henderson
Content: Jake Maclaren
Strategy: William Walkczak