When we opened our doors in February 2020 we had a website that was corporate, but didn’t reflect who we are today.
My name is Kevin Foreman, and I’m the Founder and President of Bsbcon
In this article I’m going to discuss our rebrand that happened seven months into our operation. It included a new logo, typography, and a brand new website all done by Hiilite Creative Group.
I think it’s important to start off with our original site and logo. When you’re starting a company and you need to develop a logo it can be challenging. My instructions were: something that is corporate, has a proprietary piece, and is reflective of our industry: business management consulting.
When I saw the logo I was ecstatic. Instead of an O they created a crescent moon with a black sheep inside (Bsbcon stands for Black Sheep Business Consulting).
Our website was clean, but in months four and five we were ready to begin search engine optimization, and realized the one page site was slow and not ideal for long-term SEO.
Choosing Hiilite Creative Group
Around this time we became open to rebuilding the website. I remember saying “Please trust me everyone” to our team.
Here’s how I see choosing a marketing firm to redesign your website. If the marketing firm’s logo, brand and website sucks you can expect the same for your company.
Now, if the marketing company has an incredible logo, brand and website and has done the same for over a thousand other businesses, then you might be choosing the right company!
That is exactly what Hiilite Creative Group had. So we moved ahead with the site rebuild and here is how it looked:
From the start I realized Hiilite had fantastic internal communication.
I think we’ve all worked with medium-sized companies that play telephone with your project. Passing your requests from one individual to the next, and in the end getting something that is a mirror of what you expected.
Hiilite is the polar opposite of that. I would have a meeting with one of their team members, and would see direct reflections of that conversation throughout the build.
I worked with their design team to pinpoint 3 websites that had design and functional aspects that we would like on our new site.
We worked carefully to develop a mock up website that would look like the final product. I soon realized our old logo would look out of place on the website’s design. I suggested adding a logo design to the project so our emblem would parallel our new site. Here was the final product:
I love it, and more importantly our team loves it!
As the website developed we realized our team would require professional headshots. The Hiilite team carefully explained their recommendations for what type of photographs would best suit our team and company. In essence, they recommended something candid where everyone could be their individual selves. Perfect, at Bsbcon we stand for individuality.
The Website Launch
September of 2020 our new website launched. I was truly happy with the final product, and received a lot of great feedback from clients and industry peers.
We didn’t just receive a new website, we received a new brand.
I would like to finish this article off by discussing the title, “How a New Website Changed my Life”.
Specifically, this is what I’m referring to: an elevated user experience has equated to a 30-40% increase in new clients through a Google Ads campaign.
That means using the same Google Ads campaign, with the same monthly budget has resulted in 30-40% more clients, and more ideal clients simply because of the design and functionality of our website!
To our team, that is incredible. Up to this point it has easily been our best investment yet.
If you’re looking to reap similar benefits from a rebrand or website rebuild then look no further. Hiilite will continue to be the marketing company we use and recommend!
Kevin Foreman
President, Bsbcon